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Application Servers

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Web-Portfolio Corporate Profile

Online Wealth Management Financial Application
US Based Insurance Service Provider
Industry Finance & Insurance

The Financial business operating system is designed specifically for wealth management professionals. The comprehensive platform provides an easily accessible solution for all the business needs, including client, administration, marketing, reporting and compliance. Tedious manual tasks are automated and unified in one place: client information, advisor-partner communications and document management files are automatically organized, current and available whenever you need them.

It provides an integrated platform designed to help easily serve more clients, offer more services and be more profitable.

It minimizes the time spend on business administration, freeing up to do what is most important to the practice: Growing business and helping clients reach their financial goals.

The target audience for the project is

  • Mid-Tier Financial Services Enterprises
  • Financial Planning Firms
  • Individual Investors

Features Include

  • Instant access to current status of clients entire portfolio
  • Visual Presentation of portfolio model
  • Full Integration with most widely used financial software
  • Full Security of financial information
  • Simultaneous online viewing with client for collaboration
  • Data migration from Legacy systems like Ez-Data, Advisor Assistance etc
  • Offline Synchronization Application running on laptop

The benefits of the software to the client are:

  • Seamless Application Integration
  • Web-Based Inter-office Networking
  • Improved Case Management Capabilities
  • fiBOS has dramatically improved the performance and profitability.
Duration Ongoing
Teamsize 5
Technology Used HTML/DHTML, CFML, Java Script, XML, ColdFusion MX, MS SQL Server, Sybase, ColdFusion Studio, Flash
Community Banking Application
Leading European Community Bank
Industry Finance & Insurance
Scope The product "SecUre Financial Transaction System (C-Banking)", offers pre-paid E-commerce payment services with post-paid characteristics. This means that the exchange for goods and services and the payment for it is done simultaneously, so there is no money transfer delay which minimizes time delivery and credit risk.

The transactions are guaranteed (bank labeled) which means that the amount of charge back requests will be minimized as well. This product will be used by companies, who build virtual communities of the people interacting with each other. Virtual Communities are electronic forums where people pay attention to identify themselves as members of a group. They're intentional about the creation of their community, their value relationships, build member identification, and encourage interaction.

C-BANKING functional coverage:

  • CRM and client relationships
  • Accounting & reporting
  • Account processing and Statement processing
  • International Settlement formats en processing
  • Account/Product conditions and constraint set-up and maintenance
  • Multi currency, multi label, multi VC and multi branch
  • Special functions like Zero balancing and Interest Compensation
  • Real time Cash Position and Currency position
  • Internet Banking Client Interface for External and Internal multi currency transfers, Sweep and standing order.

Internet Security, transaction encryption and Client Authentication incorporated.

Benefits C-BANKING E-model enables organizations with its concept, software and knowledge of the new economy and the new changing economic principals of banking, to position them self as an Internet Payment Provider, or Big Industrial agglomerates to control their near banking activities. In the traditional economy the financial logistics and economic principals of risk management, credit risk and time and delivery risks are not geared to the fast changing new economy business rules.

C-BANKING offers all organizations in the value chain of the new economy the possibility to cooperate and work seamlessly together on one platform to serve the members of the communities with an optimal SeCure financial transaction system.

Duration 4 Months
Teamsize 3
Technology Used HTML/DHTML, CFML, Java Script, XML, ColdFusion MX, Oracle, ColdFusion Studio
Automation of Client Servicing Operations for a Media Company
Mudra Communications Pvt. Ltd.
Industry Advertising & Media
Scope Mudra Communications is the Largest Indian Advertising Agency having over 120 clients nationwide, 8 offices and 5 divisions in India and abroad.

Mudra has evolved into a multiple service agency catering market with services like Public Relations, Market Research, Advertising Archives, Website designing and hosting, Business Referrals and Outdoor Advertising and has some of the largest corporate houses like Hindustan Lever, Federal Bank Ltd, Hindustan Motors, Reliance Industries.

The Integrated Solution being developed for Mudra is coined as "Client Servicing Automation". The work includes study of the existing system developed on Clipper/ Ingress/ and freezing the requirements at different locations. Documents marked as deliverable include SRS and Feasibility Study document. A pilot project was undertaken to test the application suitability, functionality and adaptability to the new technology. The application development is java-based and using the J2EE framework.

The features include: 
This application is browser based. It is developed using three-tier architecture. Middleware is implemented on oracle application server Middleware components are enterprise java beans. This makes application portable on any platform and any server that supports J2EE specification.


The benefits of the software to the client are:

  • The application is web based, purely J2EE compliant and developed in N-tier architecture using the latest tool like Oracle Jdeveloper, and Application Servers like Oracle 9i Application Server. It is very user friendly and easy to operate and managed by the client. At the same time all the branches are connected online by a single system.
  • Branch level interactions became more efficient.
  • Agency's Clients get online information regarding their campaign project status from the new system as the CRM application is linked to this system and uses the latest updated data.
  • It helps the client servicing team to monitor all the activities that are going on for a campaign at any time. It shows all the activities done for a particular campaign and also the payment made against the campaign and receivables pending against the campaign giving a clear picture of the revenue status.
  • Also the system gives information regarding the savings done on a campaign with respect to the estimates made on the basis of the card rates of the media (Press & TV). Now the agency is able to transfer these savings to their clients creating a value addition to their services.
  • Now as a single system connecting all branches of the agency, the total volume becomes larger, and with this larger volume of the business agency now gets better negotiated rates with the media (Press & TV) which in turn generates more revenue for the same volume of the business.
Duration 11 Months
Teamsize 9
Technology Used Jdeveloper, XML, EJB, Oracle Application Server, Oracle, Java / J2EE
Corporate Intranet - NDDB
National Dairy Development Board
Industry Dairy

National Dairy Development Board (NDDB) is an apex body for dairy development in India. NDDB has drawn "Perspective Plan - 2010", a long-term perspective on dairy development, to face challenges of the new millennium. The vision identifies major thrust areas towards achieving its program goals of increasing share of milk procurement from the current level of 15% of marketable surplus to 35% by 2010. It has offices at 22 locations and manpower strength of around 900.

Corporate Intranet application is a web-based application providing centralized business management systems with user specific interfaces for employees, managers and aids in optimizing the way of interaction and communication with other groups. It serves as an interactive, personalized databank and Knowledge repository. 

Corporate Intranet features in general are:

  • A channel to report, inform, share and learn while minimizing the dependence on the traditional flow of communication and eliminating distortion of the message as it travels directly from the source to the user.
  • A transparent mode of viewing and reviewing individual state offices, regional offices and HO plans for a defined period.
  • A gradual transformation from a brick & mortar to brick & click way of communication delivery, leading to cost reduction over time.
  • A medium to post problems, transmit them selectively along with the facility to seek information.
  • A combination of structured and unstructured formats to cover both qualitative and quantitative.
  • An easy recall of past reports, record from the system’s archive database.
Benefits NDDB's Intranet solution acts as a central document and information repository, an important source of news and a portal to host various Intranet applications that allows it to grow. 

After the implementation of the Corporate Intranet, the employees are able to find information quickly and efficiently, and they have more time to focus on their work. 

The employees do not have to search for information as now they just retrieve information from the knowledge base. Also tracking down the right people, which was earlier time consuming and frustrating is now convenient due to the Collaboration feature and information sharing.
Duration 6 Months
Teamsize 7
Technology Used ASP, MTS, IIS 5.0, Oracle, Sybase, Visual InterDev , Visual Source Safe, Flash, Adobe Acrobat

Industry Legal
Scope The product is a client server application for client case, personal details and correspondence document template management and printing for a Solicitor's or a Lawyer's office.

The system has the following benefits:

  • Single place storage of all client case documents and details
  • Multiple cases, addresses and contact details management
  • Easy correspondence template creation, maintenance and printing using WORD mail merge for documents and labels.
  • Information search and reporting based on user defined search criteria
  • Role based access control to the application
  • Application specific metadata and configuration management
  • Customized reports by flexible new report template additions using crystal reports template generation
  • Online help to guide the user for application usage
  • Different product licensing scheme like 30 day trial or full version
  • Licensing key generation and integration
  • Web based product registration and download trial
Duration 3 Months
Teamsize 2
Technology Used MS SQL Server, VB.Net, .Net Expertise
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