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Web-Portfolio Corporate Profile

Online Wealth Management Financial Application
US Based Insurance Service Provider
Industry Finance & Insurance

The Financial business operating system is designed specifically for wealth management professionals. The comprehensive platform provides an easily accessible solution for all the business needs, including client, administration, marketing, reporting and compliance. Tedious manual tasks are automated and unified in one place: client information, advisor-partner communications and document management files are automatically organized, current and available whenever you need them.

It provides an integrated platform designed to help easily serve more clients, offer more services and be more profitable.

It minimizes the time spend on business administration, freeing up to do what is most important to the practice: Growing business and helping clients reach their financial goals.

The target audience for the project is

  • Mid-Tier Financial Services Enterprises
  • Financial Planning Firms
  • Individual Investors

Features Include

  • Instant access to current status of clients entire portfolio
  • Visual Presentation of portfolio model
  • Full Integration with most widely used financial software
  • Full Security of financial information
  • Simultaneous online viewing with client for collaboration
  • Data migration from Legacy systems like Ez-Data, Advisor Assistance etc
  • Offline Synchronization Application running on laptop

The benefits of the software to the client are:

  • Seamless Application Integration
  • Web-Based Inter-office Networking
  • Improved Case Management Capabilities
  • fiBOS has dramatically improved the performance and profitability.
Duration Ongoing
Teamsize 5
Technology Used HTML/DHTML, CFML, Java Script, XML, ColdFusion MX, MS SQL Server, Sybase, ColdFusion Studio, Flash

Web Kinetics, New Zealand
Industry Technology
Scope The site is developed for a company that has developed softwares for Call Center and Customer Contact Center. The site is developed in PHP and MySQL and has admin module with the help of which administrator can change the text of the site online. It also has Registration mechanism for want-to-be members of the site to access white papers.
Duration 2 Months
Teamsize 2
Technology Used Apache web server, MySQL, Flash, Dreamweaver


Corporate Intranet - NDDB
National Dairy Development Board
Industry Dairy
Scope National Dairy Development Board (NDDB) is an apex body for dairy development in India. NDDB has drawn "Perspective Plan - 2010", a long-term perspective on dairy development, to face challenges of the new millennium. The vision identifies major thrust areas towards achieving its program goals of increasing share of milk procurement from the current level of 15% of marketable surplus to 35% by 2010. It has offices at 22 locations and manpower strength of around 900.

Corporate Intranet application is a web-based application providing centralized business management systems with user specific interfaces for employees, managers and aids in optimizing the way of interaction and communication with other groups. It serves as an interactive, personalized databank and Knowledge repository.

Corporate Intranet features in general are:

  • A channel to report, inform, share and learn while minimizing the dependence on the traditional flow of communication and eliminating distortion of the message as it travels directly from the source to the user.
  • A transparent mode of viewing and reviewing individual state offices, regional offices and HO plans for a defined period.
  • A gradual transformation from a brick & mortar to brick & click way of communication delivery, leading to cost reduction over time.
  • A medium to post problems, transmit them selectively along with the facility to seek information.
  • A combination of structured and unstructured formats to cover both qualitative and quantitative.
  • An easy recall of past reports, record from the system’s archive database.
Benefits NDDB's Intranet solution acts as a central document and information repository, an important source of news and a portal to host various Intranet applications that allows it to grow.

After the implementation of the Corporate Intranet, the employees are able to find information quickly and efficiently, and they have more time to focus on their work.

The employees do not have to search for information as now they just retrieve information from the knowledge base. Also tracking down the right people, which was earlier time consuming and frustrating is now convenient due to the Collaboration feature and information sharing.

Duration 6 Months
Teamsize 7
Technology Used ASP, MTS, IIS 5.0, Oracle, Sybase, Visual InterDev , Visual Source Safe, Flash, Adobe Acrobat
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