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We are global leader in providing innovative technology-enabled business solutions and services

Web-Portfolio Corporate Profile

In the past, members of the Legal industry have had the reputation for being resistant to leveraging the power of information technology. This perspective has radically changed in recent times. Legal professionals have realized that advances in knowledge management have become crucial to the success of a law firm. Web based services and the Internet, have become common place tools in many law firms. Attorneys increasingly rely on these tools to communicate with clients, exchange documents, collaborate with clients and other law firms, conduct research, and provide secure remote access. Successful law firms embrace new advances in information technology, as they understand that such technology can assist them in combating security concerns associated with the Internet and Web-based tools.

Experience forTek IT Solutions
forTek IT Solutions has successfully implemented state of the art high end architecture solutions like legal community information portal, Client-Cases & document management for Law offices and solicitors for the law offices/firms, lawyers, solicitors, law enforcement agencies, universities and government agencies. The solutions range from an enterprise wide client-server to web based ASP managed services including the mobile computing and information storage and search using state of the art Collexis search engine.

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